że znam czary mary i uroki, które trzeba zastosować aby zdobyć lidera zespołu Tokio Hotels. że potrafię czytac myśli danego człowieka. że znam imiona i adresy przyszłych partnerów... Karty to pomoc, wskazówka, znają odpowiedź na wiele ...
In the Šavrinska Hills in the hinterland of Portorož lies a number of old Istrian settlements (Padna, Krkavče, Koštabona, Pomjan, Gažon), and not far from the coast there is the picturesque village Hrastovlje with its Church of the Holy ...
I saved for three months on ramen noodles to afford a 900 dollar ticket, and because I had just started full time at Wal-mart I didn't have any bvacation/b time so I could only afford to take 6 days, 2 of which were used up on the flights. ... I guess octopus balls will never be popular in the states, although they are delicious. And the best part of this is that I haven't seen a cow in the road once! bPanda/b! bPanda/b! bPanda/b! Ocean Park View of Hong Kong from Ocean Park ...